Six Days in Fallujah Steam

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Six Days in Fallujah (SDiF) is an unreleased historical third-person shooter video game that was developed and left unreleased by Atomic Games. It's said that it was going to be the first game to focus directly on the Iraq War (which was still ongoing at the time). Konami was going to be the original distributor.The premise of the game was the subject of controversy in 2009, with questions raised as to its appropriateness, especially given the fact that the true events the game is based upon was recent at the time. It was originally to be published by Konami, however, in April 2009, a spokesman informed the Associated Press that Konami was no longer publishing the game due to the controversy surrounding it. The game was originally slated for a 2010 release, but it was cancelled due to controversy; the game was put on hold until 2016 after its original studio, Atomic Games, went bankrupt in 2011.Eventually the game would get picked up again in 2021 by Highwire Games and finally released under the same name by a different team and publisher.


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Six Days in Fallujah Steam

143 kr

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