Stoneshard Steam

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i, fulfill contracts, fight, mend your wounds and develop your character without any restrictions.

There’s no hand-holding, and the game will punish you for your mistakes: you’ll have to carefully prepare for each expedition, plan your actions in advance, and weigh your resources against possible risks. Saving can only be done in certain spots, so each wrong move can potentially lead to a swift death and lost progress.


  • Open World War always leaves its mark: villages lie in ruins, dungeons are infested with monsters, and old roads are abandoned. Travel through Aldor and learn more about its past.
  • Economy The wartime economy is ruthless, but it also presents many opportunities: fulfill contracts, hunt for treasure, trade in a variety of goods, and travel the land to earn your fortune.


  • Character Development Experiment with 200+ abilities and 400+ equipment pieces without any class or level restrictions. Create your very own playstyle!
  • Enemy Variety Take part in intense battles against numerous factions. Brigands, abominable cults, the undead - all of them require a unique approach.
  • Tactical Battles Only the thoughtful ones shall prevail - plan a few turns ahead, adapt to your surroundings, and fully utilize your character’s strengths.


  • Health System Master the simple but deep health system: cauterize bleeding wounds, relieve pain with alcohol and drugs, practice bloodletting and heal your maladies with various concoctions.
  • Psyche Different in-game situations have a distinct influence on your character’s mental condition. High morale may turn the tide in your favor when fighting even the most hopeless of battles, while low sanity brings panic attacks and paranoia.
  • Permadeath Do you like risk? Then try out the Ironman mode, where every decision is irreversible and your character dies once and for all.


  • New Content Additional settlements, enemy factions, and even more activities, equipment, and abilities.
  • Caravan Gather your own caravan to travel the world. Acquire upgrades for it and recruit followers - their knowledge and skills will likely benefit you along the way. Feeling weary? Return to your camp to hear new stories or just rest by the fire.
  • Main Story To solve the mystery of Stoneshards, you’ll have to undertake a long journey full of dangers, hardships, and adventures. What choices will you make in this bleak world?


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Stoneshard Steam

193 kr

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