Escape Academy Steam

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You've just arrived at Escape Academy, a school where promising students train to become the ultimate Escapist.

Escape Academy thumbnail
Play over a dozen masterfully hand crafted rooms, designed by experienced experts in the field of REAL LIFE escape rooms.

Escape Academy thumbnail
Experience the entirety of Escape Academy alone in single player OR through two player co-operative play. Available in local or online splitscreen.

Escape Academy thumbnail
Explore the campus of Escape Academy and get to know the faculty, a colorful cast of characters, each an expert in the art of Escape. And some with secrets yet to be uncovered...

Featuring Music and Sound Design by the one and only doseone (Gang Beasts, SLUDGE LIFE, Disc Room, Enter the Gungeon).

Escape Academy’s Respected Curriculum:

Attend a Tea 'N Tea Party - Can you defuse the bomb before your tranquil cup of tea gets cold? Your grade (and physical well being) depend on it!
Hack the Professor - Solve a quantifiably feverish series of challenges to prove to the Academy’s super A.I. that you’ve got the skills to become an Escapist.
Go for the Gold - Represent your class in everyone’s favorite sporting event, The Rival Room. Go toe-to-toe against your nemesis in a puzzle-race to prove who’s top of the class.
Do Not Drown! - Being at the bottom of a puzzle-tower that’s rapidly filling with water is NOT ideal. Scramble to the top for that sweet, sweet oxygen.
Spray Paint the Monument - Art class is no Easy-A at the Academy. Leave your mark on the historic Monument of Escape but uh… hurry up! The Headmaster didn’t exactly approve the lesson plan.

And this is just a portion of the wacky (and often lethal) curriculum!


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Escape Academy Steam

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