DOOM Eternal XBOX One

Xbox One
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299 kr
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210 kr
Hell’s armies have invaded Earth. Become the Slayer in an epic single-player campaign to conquer demons across dimensions and stop the final destruction of humanity.
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Hell’s armies have invaded Earth. Become the Slayer in an epic single-player campaign to conquer demons across dimensions and stop the final destruction of humanity.

The Only Thing they Fear... Is You.

Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power in DOOM Eternal - the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat.

Slayer Threat Level At Maximum

Armed with a shoulder-mounted flamethrower, retractable wrist-mounted blade, upgraded guns and mods, and abilities, you're faster, stronger, and more versatile than ever.

Unholy Trinity

Take what you need from your enemies: Glory kill for extra health, incinerate for armor, and chainsaw demons to stock up on ammo to become the ultimate demon-slayer.

Enter Battlemode

A new 2 versus 1 multiplayer experience. A fully-armed DOOM Slayer faces off against two player-controlled demons, fighting it out in a best-of-five round match of intense first-person combat.


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DOOM Eternal XBOX One

210 kr

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