Super Chariot Nintendo Switch

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"WILL YOU PLAY ALONE OR TOGETHER? Designed for the Nintendo Switch, Super Chariot is a 2D platform game that can be played through to the end in either solo or co-op mode.
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"WILL YOU PLAY ALONE OR TOGETHER? Designed for the Nintendo Switch, Super Chariot is a 2D platform game that can be played through to the end in either solo or co-op mode. You play as either the brave Princess or her faithful fiancé in a subterranean fantasy adventure... Manoeuvre the wheeled coffin of the dead King through 25 levels and 5 colourful environments, trying to ignore the incessant insults of the King's ghost. With original gameplay and an innovative physics engine, hours of exciting exploration, hair-raising sliding sequences and mountains of treasure lie ahead!"


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Super Chariot Nintendo Switch

56 kr

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