Stick Fight: The Game Steam

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Stick Fight is a physics-based couch/online fighting game where you battle it out as the iconic stick figures from the golden age of the internet. Fight it out against your friends or find random sticks from around the world!
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Stick Fight is a physics-based couch/online fighting game where you battle it out as the iconic stick figures from the golden age of the internet. Fight it out against your friends or find random sticks from around the world!

  • 2 to 4 PLAYERS in either Local or Online Multiplayer (NO SINGLE PLAYER MODE)
  • Physics-Based Combat System
  • 100 Highly Interactive Levels
  • Level editor
  • Over 100,000 community made levels
  • Lots of weapons!
  • Procedural Animations using the system from Totally Accurate Battle Simulator


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Stick Fight: The Game Steam

12 kr

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