Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Steam

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Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales for PC is the 2020 console game remastered for PC. It is an action adventure game based on the decade-long graphic work which culminated in the 2018 animation film, Spiderman into the Spiderverse.
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Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales for PC is the 2020 console game remastered for PC. It is an action adventure game based on the decade-long graphic work which culminated in the 2018 animation film, Spiderman into the Spiderverse.

About the Game

The game picks up after the events of the movie, continuing Miles Morales adventures as he learns to juggle civilian life verse superheroing. It is not long before he discovers that his new home in Harlem is threatened by a battle between the tech giant, Roxxon Energy Co, and the latest villainous crew, the Underground, led by mysterious villain, The Tinkerer.

As Miles does his best, he keeps an eye on the city’s doings by using an app which tells him what crimes are ongoing as well as alerting him to news and side missions. Like Peter, Miles possesses a "spider-sense", which warns the player of incoming attacks and allows them to dodge and retaliate.

He also has, of course, web-shooters, which stream webs that can be used during both traversal and combat, in several different ways. Miles can also jump, stick to surfaces, and fast travel using the New York City subway system.

It’s not all web slinging and flying high over the city though. During certain sections of the game, players control Miles in his civilian persona and cannot use any of his abilities or gadgets. Miles does his best to help Spiderman, but his confidence is quite low after a couple of fairly high-level mistakes, so when Spidey lets him know that he, Spidey will be out of town for a bit, with MJ, Miles is convinced it’s all going to go wrong.

The Nitty Gritty

The third person perspective lends itself well to the main focus of the game and, as always with Spidey games, this translates to Miles’ movements and combat positions. Combat allows you to link attacks together, and use the environment and webs to take down villains while avoiding as much damage as you can.

Side-missions have been significantly altered, and are now accessed from an in-game phone app (mentioned above). Miles has several unlockable suits, some of which are based on existing versions of the character in media, as well as original suits created just for the game. Many of these enhance Miles' abilities, such as allowing him to take less damage, stay invisible for a longer time, or regenerate Venom Power faster.
The game’s graphics are beautiful, with gorgeous sights to enjoy from the top of buildings or as Miles swings along to get where he’s going, so do remember to – occasionally – slow down and enjoy the view.

Throughout the game Miles can treat fictional Manhattan, NY as something of an open world sandbox, albeit a snowy one as the game is set during the holidays, interacting with other characters and gathering useful tools and gadgets, completing missions and side questions, and, of course, unlocking those new suits.

New Powers Just for Miles

New powers and gadgets, unique to Miles in this game are:
  • Venom Blast, which allows the player to incapacitate enemies with bioelectricity, and charge or drain electronics

  • Camouflage, which gives Miles temporary invisibility

  • Mega Venom Blast, consisting of a massive explosion of bioelectricity that damages all nearby enemies

  • Remote Mines, which can attach to enemies or electrical panels; a device that summons holographic fighters to help in combat

  • Gravity Wells that trap multiple enemies and make them easier to hit

  • All Miles’ powers can be upgraded through a skill tree.
    Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.


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    Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Steam

    200 kr

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