Cities: Skylines - Plazas & Promenades

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Take the next step with Plazas and Promenades. Say Goodbye to noise and pollution and Hello to pedestrian streets, car-free areas, and modern plazas. It’s time to level up your Cities with this environment-friendly expansion!
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Take the next step with Plazas and Promenades.
Say Goodbye to noise and pollution and Hello to pedestrian streets, car-free areas, and modern plazas. It’s time to level up your Cities with this environment-friendly expansion!

Pedestrian Streets

Let your citizens walk freely on pedestrian-only streets! Place them in your city like any other road and create new green city centers free of most vehicles and noise pollution.

Pedestrian areas and new Policies

Activate three area-specific policies for your city including Slow Driving: all roads in the pedestrian area, except highways, get a speed limit of 20 km/h. Sugar Ban: increases the average lifespan of citizens in the pedestrian area but decreases their happiness. Street Music: increases happiness and noise pollution in pedestrian commercial areas.

District Specialization

We added 3 new district specializations: offices, high-density residential areas, and high-density commercial areas. Setting a specialization on a district affects all area squares in that district that will spawn buildings with a different visual appearance and a gameplay effect. Each specialization features 24 new modern wall-to-wall buildings!

City service buildings

Service buildings are important, but how about awesome-looking service buildings? Connect them to pedestrian areas by matching their visual style and providing services that contribute to good happiness values (one of the main metrics of a successful pedestrian area).zone).


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Cities: Skylines - Plazas & Promenades

74 kr

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